Our mission

Help companies meet their endoscopy needs through service and sales. Experience, knowledge and quality are our pillars.

Endoscopy Global Service, was born as a requirement of the market, which is full of multi-brand endoscopy companies, but they do not have the knowledge, facilities and approach necessary to improve the user experience.

We focus on offering quality services and equipment. It is about keeping the equipment in the best possible conditions, following the manufacturers' guidelines, to ensure user and patient safety.

After many years working with and in endoscope manufacturers, and many others, providing service to third party companies, Endoscopy Global Service, starts its way to become a reference in the sector.


Qualified employees

Our team is not only full of professionals, but we are also a close-knit and professional group.


Repairs perfomed

We successfully completed more than 7000 individual repairs from worldwide.


Key knowdelege

We have specialist experience in Sales, Service and Manufacturing.

Who are we

Flexible endoscopy Technicians

Our technicians have more than 10 years expertise, with heavy emphasis on quality. Trained in the manufacturer our team apply the same specs.

Rigid endoscopy Technicians

All our technicians undergo our internally developed training program to stay on the cutting edge. Continuous training as a means of improvement.


Our engineers have an extensive background in endoscopy field, and often work together with our technicians.


All of our consultants have specialist experience in the field of endoscopy, and aim to understand the needs of your business.

Global experience

We have worked with multinational companies, as well as smaller businesses from all continents.

Quality for value

Our motto is to provide only the highest quality to our customers, no matter the circumstances.

Favorable terms

Each project we work on is tailored to the particular client's exact needs, not the other way around.

High standards

We take our job seriously, meaning that we only deliver work that we can be proud of.


Endoscopy area

Full equip laboratory with diferenciated zones: wharehouse, incoming area, repair area, quality and reprocesing area.


We are able to store all the products on sell to have the best service and reduced delivery time.  We can also be your wharehouse

Machining area

The space to desing and create our own products, a factory inside our facilities.

Quality and reprocesing

Because not all repair centers have a clean and a dirty area, we also differentiate ourselves in this area.